18 April 2009

Some Must-Reads for Teachers!

I love these books! They really should be on every teacher's bookshelf...

Joan Wink - - - Critical Pedagogy: Notes From the Real World

Christopher Spence - - - The Joys of Teaching Boys

Colin Lanshear and Michele Knobel - - - A New Literacies Sampler

bell hooks - - - Teaching to Transgress

Patrick Finn - - - Literacy With an Attitude

I'm not done with this list quite yet. One of things that I am most grateful for as I wrote my Master's dissertation and in my role as Program Resource Teacher, is that I have come across some truly amazing resources that I probably never would have known about as a classroom teacher. This is not a good thing. That's why I wanted to start this list, and I'm looking forward to hearing about what people think!

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