13 December 2009

One Step at a Time...

I've been doing a lot of talking lately about Web 2.0 with various groups of teachers and inevitably, there are always some who are unsure - about themselves and their ability to understsand and effectively use the technology with their students in a meaningful way or that using the web-base applications will in some way compromise the integrity of the work they have been doing up until now. Let's face it - this sort of stuff makes people really itchy. I received this vides clip in an email:

Why I love it so much is because it illustrates the point that I try to make when I do try to bring awareness to teachers about Web 2.0. Like in the video, there will be some who feel so confortable with these new options that they will run up the proverbial stairs like it's nobody's business. Others will cautiously toe-tap their way up. Others still will continue doing what they've always done - take the escalator. The point is that we've all got the exposure and more information, which is one step ahead of where we were before in the use of this technology. Whether teachers use it or not is not of great concern to me, although our kids would appreciate the engagement it brings, but simply knowing about the benefits and potential will allow teachers to provide students with even more choice that is far more relevant to them. Imagine! Allowing students to use technology at school the way they LIVE it their lives outside of school...

In the meantime teachers, relax! Give yourselves a break and afford yourselves some time to become comfortable. I promise, you won't see this stuff popping up in curriculum documents or in board mandates. Play a bit and see for yourselves. The possibilities are endless.

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